Hannah Jacobs
Hannah Jacobs is Digital Humanities Specialist for the Wired! Lab for digital art history & visual culture at Duke University. In this role, she provides instruction and conducts research in digital concepts and tools for Wired! courses and projects. She leads tutorials and workshops, collaborates with faculty to develop and implement digital humanities projects in the classroom, consults on faculty research, offers advising on digital tools for undergraduate and Master’s student theses, provides technical support for lab projects, and liaises with other digital humanities staff at Duke.
Hannah is currently studying Information Science at the Master’s level at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. She holds an MA in Digital Humanities from King’s College London (2013), and she earned a BA in English/Theatre from Warren Wilson College (2011). Her research interests include visualization as scholarly communication, methods for structuring humanities data, and implementations of digital and information literacies within humanities curricula.