Jenevieve DeLosSantos
Dr. Jenevieve DeLosSantos is an Assistant Teaching Professor and the Director of Special Pedagogic Projects in the Department of Undergraduate Education in the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University. She received her PhD from Rutgers University in 2015 and her work focuses on turn-of-the-century orientalism in American Visual Culture. Prior to her current role, Jenevieve served as Associate Director of the Rutgers Early College Humanities program and has a strong interest in dual enrollment programs and high school to college student transitions. She is an experienced museum educator, formerly the Coordinator of Academic Programs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and a museum educator at the Zimmerli Art Museum. She has studied with Rika Burnham at TIME, the Teaching Institute of Museum Education, and has recently completed an American Council of University Educators course in best college-level teaching practice at Rutgers University. In her current role, she is managing interdisciplinary undergraduate research initiatives and works with faculty on teaching and learning excellence. Currently, she is the editor of a student-led, multi-disciplinary book project entitled Poetries — Politics and working on an exhibition of the same content.