Jessica Locheed

Jessica Locheed teaches at Houston Community College. She received her Ph.D. from University of Iowa with a specialization is 19th Century French Art. Her academic expertise and research interests are in Degas and his relationships with the symbolist community, specifically Mallarmé. Jessica’s review of the retrospective exhibition and catalogue of Degas was published CAAReviews in 2017. Jessica has taught both large survey classes and small interactive courses as well as hybrid sections of both the second half of the art history survey class art Appreciation classes. She is also currently teaching online. She published Beyond the Frame: The Visual World Around Us (Great Rivers Learning) to accompany the art appreciation class.  The interactivity within the chapters, including videos and quizzes serves to stimulate the students to work throughout the week in small pieces to incorporate art in their daily lives.  She is extremely interested in zero resource education, and am dedicated to creative pedagogy in my art history and art citizenry classes.