Art History Pedagogy and Practice
We are excited to announce that AHTR has received a Kress Digital Resources Grant for $20,000 to support preliminary research toward development of Art History Pedagogy and Practice, an academic, peer reviewed e-journal devoted to pedagogy in art history that will be hosted on the AHTR website. This project responds to the current lack of scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) specific to art history and to the development of High Impact Practices in education, and the need for an academic journal that will advance, collect, disseminate, and demonstrate the value of pedagogical research in the discipline.
This initiative evolved through a series of discussions begun in February 2015 at the annual meeting of the College Art Association. Since that time, AHTR has reached out to CAA’s Education Committee and other art historians to invite collaboration and feedback. We have sought input from our colleagues outside higher education to explore how a scholarship of teaching and learning in art history might also benefit the fields of art museum education and K-12 learning.
Over the next few months, AHTR will begin a broad inquiry into the current state of scholarship of teaching and learning in art history. This will involve extensive outreach, literature review, and dialogue across disciplines of art history, education, and related fields. Working with the research firm of Randi Korn and Associates, AHTR will conduct a field-wide survey this summer to determine the potential audience(s) for an e-journal, the type of content desired, and how an e-journal could best contribute to the future of art history. AHTR is extremely grateful to The Kress Foundation for their support of this exciting initiative and their on-going commitment to innovations in pedagogy.
Very interested in this initiative and in participating!
Excellent news! This is great progress — good job!
Hurrah that the field is beginning to look into SoTL as a way to improve our pedagogical processes. Looking forward to reading this e-journal!
Very timely and much needed. Art History has much to contribute to the field of pedagogy and it’s about time we had a forum!
This is fantastic, congratulations! We really need this. I would love to participate in some way.
Very exciting news! I would love to participate.
[…] Art History Teaching Resources has just received a Kress Digital Resources Grant for $20,000 to support preliminary research toward development of Art History Pedagogy and Practice, an academic, peer reviewed e-journal devoted to pedagogy in art history that will be hosted on the AHTR website. For more information check out their announcement. […]
[…] the past several months, I’ve been working with the wonderful team at AHTR on an initiative to establish an academic e-journal devoted to SoTL in art history. (If you’re not familiar with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, here’s a great […]
[…] recently received a grant from The Kress Foundation to conduct preliminary research for an e-journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in Art History that will launch in 2016. […]