Fall …..

Fall semester! It already feels like autumn here in this unusually cool New York City August. AHTR is excited to begin our Weekly posts this coming Friday, September 1. We have a super line-up that includes “Writing Exhibition Reviews,” “Intersecting Art and Science: Curation, Curriculum, and Collaboration,” “STEM to STEAM in Art History Course Development,” “Understanding Geometry and Cathedral Design Through Experiential Learning,” and a post that addresses working with teens at museums + community partner audiences.

As we have in the past, AHTR Weekly will hold open a number of posts for new submissions alongside programmed contributions from invited writers. We hope that this will allow AHTR Weekly to continue to serve the broadest number of peers, as well as to expand and elevate the discussions. The posts usually range between 700-1300 words, are fairly casual and “readable” in tone, and contain at least one image. If you would like to propose a post for fall 2016 or spring 2017, please get in touch at info@arthistoryTR.org (please cc karen.shelby@gmail.com and michellemillarfisher@gmail.com) with a brief summary of content.

In other AHTR news, we are excited to be participating in sessions devoted to pedagogy at both SECAC and CAA. In October at the annual SECAC conference AHTR is hosting “Pedagogically Sound Approaches for Hybrid and Online Learning” with five great papers. We will be posting the papers as AHTR Weekly entries in order to share this information. At CAA, AHTR is hosting another lightening round. This year, the topic isState of the Art (History): Re Examining the Exam.” We will be pleased to also share the results of this session through the Weekly in the weeks after the conference.

Finally, as part of CAA and in collaboration with the CAA Education Committee, AHTR-Art History Pedagogy and Practice will run a SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) Art History Bootcamp. Stay tuned for more news on that front, including sign-up details.

To a great semester!

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