Summer Break!

Happy summer break! AHTR is taking its annual, and much needed, hiatus until August. We have some exciting information to share with you all.

Starting in this August, we are changing the posting schedule for the AHTR Weekly. We’ve noted that as we have typically post near the end of August that this schedule does not lend itself very well to reviewing new approaches or activities for the classroom in time to be incorporated into Fall syllabi. Thus, we will now be posting bi-weekly (with the occasional weekly post), from the first Friday in August to the last Friday in November. Spring semester posting will resume the first (or second) Friday in January to the first Friday in May.

In that light – please do reach out to one of the Editors if you have an idea for a Weekly post.

Thanks to all of you, AHTR has grown so quickly that we are in need of some additional expertise. AHTR invites proposals for Contributing Editors interested in developing new and underrepresented content areas on the website (ie: e-learning, design-based disciplines).  Working on a voluntary basis, AHTR Contributing Editors are expected to be knowledgeable about current issues in pedagogy, teaching, and learning related to their area of interest.  They are responsible for soliciting and working with authors for blog posts on the AHTR Weekly during the academic year, and are encouraged to explore opportunities for AHTR to collaborate with partnering organizations to develop new projects and contribute to the site’s growing collection of resources supporting teaching and learning in art history and related fields.  If interested, please send proposals, of roughly 500 words, for addressing your qualifications and interest in serving as an AHTR Contributing Editor, along with a brief (2 page) c.v. Please reach out by June 30! 

We hope that this post finds most of you post-grading and with some time for research or a bit of relaxation.




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