We Are Back!

Hello! After a hiatus of a few years, AHTR is back! Several of the original co-founders have moved on to new ventures and Covid created some screen fatigue. But the break was good. We are reinvigorated and excited to introduce new content, share some exciting grants, and continue to add to many of the information areas on the AHTR site. We also welcome several new site editors. Mya Dosch and Rachel Miller join the AHTR team from California State University, Sacramento. Ellen Caldwell also joins us from California, but further south in Los Angeles. Sarah Parrish balances the west coast trio. She teaches at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire. Bios for all are below. 

We begin this new phase with the AHTR Weekly, which is published each Friday. We already have several posts lined up! As we have in the past, AHTR Weekly will hold open a number of posts for new submissions alongside programmed contributions from invited writers. We hope that this will allow AHTR Weekly to continue to serve the broadest number of peers, as well as to expand and elevate the discussions. The posts usually range between 700-1300 words, are fairly casual and “readable” in tone, and contain at least one image. If you would like to propose a post for fall 2024 or spring 2025, please get in touch at info@arthistoryTR.org (please cc rachel.miller@csus.edu; karen.shelby@gmail.com, dosch@csus.edu, and ellencaldwell@gmail.com) with a brief summary of content. The Weekly can be found here

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Sarah Parrish is an Associate Professor and the Art History Coordinator at Plymouth State University. In her pedagogy, she strives to empower students with close looking, visual analysis, and communication skills that can be deployed in a range of academic, professional, and social contexts. She teaches all areas of art history and specializes in modern and contemporary art. Her research centers on postwar American textile art.  

Ellen C. Caldwell is a Professor of Art History at Mt. San Antonio College with a background in contemporary West African art and visual culture. She teaches and writes about the arts, identity, gender, and popular media and her forthcoming co-edited volume Gender Violence, Art, and the Viewer: An Intervention comes out with PSUP in the fall of 2024. She has mentored her art history students on writing and the following essays were authored or co-authored for AHTR by Mt. SAC students: co-authored with Natalie Madrigal: “On Frida Kahlo, Salma Hayek, and Linda Nochlin: A Classroom Case Study of Art, Gender, and Pain in the Wake of #MeToo” and “Student Voices: A Conversation about Collaboration,” March 29, 2019; written by Laura Quinn: “Student Voices: Misadventures in Undergraduate Research,” and written by Xavier Lopez: “Student Voices: The Online Switch,” August 14, 2020.

Caldwell also contributed the following AHTR lesson plans Rapa Nui: Thematic and Narrative Shifts in Curriculum, Playing “Indian”: Manifest Destiny, Whiteness, and the Depiction of Native Americans, and Race-ing Art History: Contemporary Reflections on the Art Historical Canon. And she wrote these AHTR Weekly posts: Re-Teaching Rapa Nui, Art and the #FergusonSyllabus, and Race-ing Art History: A Case Study in applying ePortfolios to a First Year Seminar.

Mya Dosch is an Associate Professor of Art of the Americas at California State University, Sacramento. Her area of specialization is 20th-century art of Latin America, and her research focuses on artistic and architectural projects in Mexico City that memorialize the 1968 student movement and the massacre of student activists in Tlatelolco Square. She contributed the following to AHTR: Clickbait as Critical Pedagogy: Teaching Information Literacy and Aztec Sacrifice, Engaging the Masses: Activities for kicking off a jumbo class, and Teaching Arnautoff: Public Art and Emotion in the Art History Classroom.

Rachel Miller is an Associate Professor of Art History and the Assistant Chair of the Art Department. At Sacramento State, she teaches courses on ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque art, using teaching methods that place European art in a broader global context and decolonize European art’s traditional normative position in the canon of art history. Along with her colleague, Professor Mya Dosch, she has received funding to redesign the main art history survey sequence from a European survey to a global survey of art and to address high DFW rates in lower-division art history courses. Professor Miller has presented papers and workshops on art history pedagogy and organized pedagogy panels at the College Art Association and the Renaissance Society of America annual conferences. She has written on pedagogy for the Sixteenth-Century Society Journal and Art History Teaching Resources. Professor Miller also serves as a Faculty Mentor at the Wikipedia Education Foundation, guiding instructors who are using Wikipedia editing projects in their courses for the first time. She published Clickbait as Critical Pedagogy: Muslim Vikings and the Scholarly News Cycle and Creating a More Accessible Art History Course through 3D Printing for AHTR.

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